Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rest Period

Do you ever think back when you were a child and remember about summer time.

One vivid memory sticks out. Riding, walking, or driving to Fain Pool. That's right....Fain Pool of all the wichitans reading this here blog!

Fain Pool is where i spent the summers, if i wasn't at home, camps, church, on vaycay!! Fain Pool is where it was at! Most of my friends from school had memberships and we all would play and swim and eat junk food together. I had my birthday party there at least 3 times!!

Do you remember rest period? This was when the lifeguards(who were always so cute and the dream of one day being a fain pool lifeguard was on everyone's mind!!) would blow their whistles and yell.....REST PERIOD!!

I wish sometimes we could live those days of resting, because our bodies need it!!

and guess what??? That is what i will be doing this evening!! Resting this tired body!! I hope that you have time to rest.

22 more days!!

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